Breaking Free from the Shadows of Public Speaking Anxiety
For the longest time, the mere thought of public speaking sent shivers down my spine. My journey with this deep-seated fear began in earnest back in 2015 during a pivotal government job interview. The challenge? To craft and deliver a presentation overnight.
That evening, I toiled to create what I hoped would be a compelling presentation. The next day, I stood before the interview panel, my heart racing as I delivered my speech. Although I thought I managed reasonably well, the feedback I received only deepened my fear of public speaking.
It’s a common fear, they say – more dreaded than even death itself. The thought of standing before an audience, every word and gesture under scrutiny, is indeed daunting.
But I’ve realized that avoiding this fear only gives it more power. During my coaching journey, particularly in the last 20 months, I’ve started to chip away at this colossal fear. I began with Facebook Live videos, a platform both daunting and forgiving, which allowed me to slowly build my confidence.
Now, I’m taking a giant leap forward – a public speaking boot camp. It’s a prospect that fills me with a mix of fear and excitement. Soon, I’ll be presenting live on Zoom, to an audience ready to provide feedback. It’s a significant step, one that will undoubtedly open new doors in my career and beyond.
I know I’m not alone in this fear. Many professionals I’ve met, especially fellow project managers, share this trepidation. They too have skirted around opportunities to present, avoiding the spotlight. But I’ve decided no longer to be held back by this fear. Yes, the thought of standing before an audience, exposed to their judgments, is terrifying. Yet, there’s an undeniable thrill in facing this challenge head-on.
To you, my reader, I pose these questions: Have you ever grappled with a long-standing fear? How did you face it, and what transformation did it bring to your life?
Share your stories of courage and join us at Dare To Be You. Together, let’s journey towards being our most authentic, outstanding selves, unshackled by our fears and limitations. ©
Copyright © 2022 Lynette Diehm.
All rights reserved. No part of this post may be used or reproduced by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
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